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A person with no moral or ethical compass at all. Would fuck your girlfriend so he could ask her for a dollar.

I thought you were an asshole, but since I found out you're a bankster I'm upgrading you to shitbag.

by lerd murgeson September 9, 2014

51👍 6👎


A person who agrees with you no matter what you say, and has no opinions of their own.

I like red.
Me too.
I like weasels.
Me too.
I like benzene.
Me too.
Jesus! don't be such a pisslicker, will you?

by lerd murgeson September 9, 2014


a lackwit, a dolt. Draws at least three versions of aspersions.

What kind of fuckamabob are you, anyway?

by lerd murgeson September 9, 2014