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moo cow

a different type of cow than other types. first off, its also known as a dairy cow, and therefore makes milk. secondly, it is white with black blobs all over it. and finally, it moos. no durrr.

in the california cheese commercials, there are two different cows: the weeny longhorn males, and the kickass moo cows.

longhorn: neahhhhrrrrrr
moo cow:moo
moo cow: stfu, u ffing poser! u aint got no blobs on u! u aint got no rites to moo! MOO!

by lil smartass wigga September 10, 2006

48👍 23👎


someone who gets their panties in a wad a lot over nothing, or someone who gets someone else's panties in a wad over nothing.

that stupid motherfucker is a class-A pantywadder, cuz theyre goin on how spinners on yur ride makes it look like yur still goin at a red lite, so the popo r gonna pull yo ass ova & write u up. wat a pantywadder.

by lil smartass wigga September 10, 2006

2👍 4👎

shoulda lean

well, no one really knows WHAT in the hell a "shoulda lean" is, so WHY in the hell is it the name of another goddamn rap song?! SERIOUSLY?! o well. that's ebonics for you. don't ask ME. im just bout the biggest wigga that ever existed, bra. ya feelin me?

Let me see ya bounce right to left
n let ya shoulda lean (let cha shoulda lean, jus let ya shoulda lean)
ay get it right 2 step, and let ya shoulda lean
(let ya shoulda lean, jus let ya shoulda lean)
Let me see ya bounce right to left
n let ya shoulda lean (let cha shoulda lean, ay letcha shoulda lean)
ay get it right 2 step, and let ya shoulda lean
(jus let ya shoulda lean, let ya shoulda lean)

lyrics courtesy of google. das rite. stuff that up your pipe & smoke it.

by lil smartass wigga August 31, 2006

15👍 40👎