Source Code

Wasting Time

what most people do on this site, while giving bullshit definitions or definitions which don't make any sense; with horrible punctuation, and run on sentances with no grammer. The context of these definitions are usually opinion based and racist, or simply hateful on a certain person whom is most likely better off than them; or banging someone much hotter.

Mike Jones
1)i fucking hate this guy omgomg somene plz tell him he sucks like seriously what a lazy rapper!!L0L!1omg
2)who is mije kones lolzz!11

by lil wyte January 27, 2005

68👍 32👎


Original Grill,
what all the gangsta harveys employees represent fo life; Another name for Harveys, cause of a gay marketing idea.

p1: yo Cody you workin at og tonight?
p2: fo real dawg im reppin da og till i die.. well untill close.

by lil wyte February 3, 2005

7👍 53👎