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a way to say youre throwing up a tiny bit either from medication, eating too much, or rotten food. this typically starts from burping

mom: u sick?
me: nah its my new meds making me hagook

by lilsamsixty9 May 31, 2021

anti speed

opposite of speed, a depressant

me: dont u get tired of sweating from adderal?
friend: yes i stink all the time and ac doesnt help shit
me: then try anti speed, u know like benzos, barbs, inhalants
friend: sure u got any barz?

by lilsamsixty9 May 31, 2021


abbreviation for ultra fine point, ex. ufp sharpie

friend: shit i lost my pen what do i do?
me: ufp sharpies can also be used like a pen

by lilsamsixty9 June 2, 2021

stand n fall

when u get up too fast and pass out

friend: u ok?
me: yea just had a stand n fall

by lilsamsixty9 June 2, 2021

lil dipper

a rapper that uses smokless tobacco

heres a free can of Grizzly as thanks for shopping here lil dipper

by lilsamsixty9 May 31, 2021


a parylized fly or one without legs

walks are still annoying even if they cant fly

by lilsamsixty9 June 2, 2021


a neat little nickname for a pet fly

mom: ew a fly
me: aw a new pet :) ill call him buzzy
mom: ur weird

by lilsamsixty9 May 31, 2021