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george lucas

A once talented director whose success with the Star Wars films has driven him completely insane.

Twenty bucks says that in ten years, George Lucas will be living in a cave, saving his urine, not cutting his fingernails, and trying to kill himself with a plastic lightsaber.

by little geek July 2, 2005

63๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


Abbreviation for Real Life, a free MMORPG/FPS that automatically logs you in when you exit all other computer games. Some of the features include:

-Insanely high FPS
-Virtually no lag
-No load times
-State of the art ragdoll physics

Unfortunately, there's a very steep learning curve, and there doesn't appear to be any respawn for dead players.

There are no respawn points in RL, unless you're a Buddhist or a Hindu.

by little geek March 19, 2006

1099๐Ÿ‘ 131๐Ÿ‘Ž