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cheating on your partner, typically when your current partner doesn't give you what you need.

buddy: 'outsourcing again?'
he: 'yeah, she swallows...'


buddy: 'outsourcing again?'
she: 'yeah, he has a car'

by little-miss can't do wrong March 10, 2007

58πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Brought Presence

The best thing to say when you discover it's a Birthday Party & didn't bring a present!

Girl: Hey, where's my present?
Boy: Er, I Brought Presence?
Girl: YahҀ¦ tightwad.

by little-miss can't do wrong July 27, 2011

10πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


An export is a pint sanctioned by a beloved local. Unlike a regular pint, this one is endorsed by the pub, who are entirely happy that you take it home with you, glass and all.

It must be noted that with power comes great responsibility. The glass must be returned within a 24 hour period, lest said privileges be revoked.

Should a member of staff ever question the loyalty of an export beneficiary, his/her door keys must be offered to whomever asks, with an invitation to check said home for unreturned glasses. If a single pub glass is found, said folk be barred for a month.

You: 'What time are you closing tonight?'
Host: 'In twenty minutes'
You: 'May I have a pint nowҀ¦ and an export for later?'
Host: 'Certainly'

by little-miss can't do wrong September 9, 2011

22πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


To the layman, it's an alternative to but. However, the connotations of but are wholly negative, whereas however provides an Icarus from the ashes.

Use it sparingly, use it well.

She: 'I must profess I have a big butt. However, it's as shapely as the legend of bootylicious, therefore you must worship.'
You: indeed.

by little-miss can't do wrong September 9, 2011

22πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Gap Year Anarchist

A phase common amongst more affluent males in their early twenties, which typically requires the exchange of basic hygiene for Bob Marley memorabilia, dreadlocks and second hand military clothing.

Early warning signs include the gradual slurring of speech (as made popular in the movie 'Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure'), endless discussions of aid increases/debt reduction and an overall musky smell.

A Gap Year Anarchist will subscribe to numerous clichés. Behaviour may include voluntary summertime homelessness/squatting, throwing flour & dancing on a Cenotaph.

The phase ends when the GYA finally succumbs to pleas from his/her family and/or bank manager/student loans company/court, gets a haircut, a job and a life!

"And once again a Gap Year Anarchist succeeds in his lifetime's ambition: to get all the attention. Well done. *slow hand clap*"

(British Labour MP Tom Harris tweet, 19th of July 2011)

by little-miss can't do wrong July 19, 2011

19πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Cheeky Beer

That most glorious of things: a beer at an otherwise inappropriate moment with a dear friend.

You/they: 'Fancy a Cheeky Beer?'
They/you: 'I really ought to get back to work, but for you my sweetnessҀ¦ We'll make an exception!'

by little-miss can't do wrong September 9, 2011

12πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Freelance Bladder

Freelancer(s) who work from home cannot survive without knowing a bathroom is a few meters away.

This is because they are so used to waiting until the very last moment to use it & seldom have to queue.

As a result of this, even a 10 minute car journey will see them popping-in both before, after & probably also thinking about it somewhere in between.

Do not attempt to initiate stage fright, as it just makes it worse. A Freelancer will still have to go again within the hour.

They: Can you help me carry this suitcase to the car?
Freelancer: Sure thing! Gotta have a quick slash first
They: But you've only just been? You so have a Freelance Bladder!

by little-miss can't do wrong August 17, 2011

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž