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A Spellcaster that learned their Magic, has access to many spells. A Wizard is also considered a Mage and a Zauberer.

Blackpowder learned his magic at a school, thus, he is a wizard.

by lordgrim the invcbke October 12, 2020

43👍 21👎

Amber Turd

One of the evilest actresses ever,

she is best known for abusing Jonny Depp and taking a shit in his bed.
She said that jonny abused her, which is obviously a lie, but Warner bros fired Jonny anyway.
Warner bros should rehire Jonny Depp, fire Amber heard and make a public apology.

Amber Turd is evil.

by lordgrim the invcbke November 10, 2020

1025👍 11👎

Puffin Forest

One of the biggest and best Dungeons And Dragons youtubers, you should subscribe to him.

Puffin Forest made the DND character known as Absurd, who is now a meme.

by lordgrim the invcbke October 27, 2020

Pee Wee Furman

The furry version of Pee Wee Herman.

I, Lord Grim, am not sorry for making Pee Wee Furman

by lordgrim the invcbke January 22, 2021


A Sorcerer is someone who is born with Magic. A Sorcerer is also considered a Mage and a Zauberer.
Most Sorcerers specialize in one or more of the following: elemental spell attacks(common choice), healing(very rare), chaos(common choice), glamors(common choice) and/or dark magic(very rare).

The sorcerer is blowing up the castle as we speak.

by lordgrim the invcbke October 12, 2020


It rhymes with horn, sworn, gorn, worn, dorn, born, morn, and...........

A joke was corny.

by lordgrim the invcbke October 14, 2020

74👍 21👎

The oldest trick in the book

A trick most people know about, if you try to trick someone and they say ¨thats The oldest trick in the book, then it means they know what you are trying to do and, to quote Robbie Rotten, ¨Try something else¨.
Remember just because someone knows what you are trying to pull, does not mean they are untrickable.
Also, you should subscribe to Dumbass Dinosaurs on youtube, their content can be a bit offensive, but if you can handle that than I definitely Recommend them.

Guy1: Hey, look over there!
Guy2: Bruh, that's The oldest trick in the book.

by lordgrim the invcbke November 8, 2020

26👍 1👎