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a form of mushroom that makes you hallucinate in the best way, it opens up your eyes to the real important things in life and makes you realize the meaning of life (you will forget what it is when your done tripping) it gives you a serious case of the giggles, and when i say giggles i mean you wont be able to stop laughing hysterically for about an hour. It makes you feel like everything is perfect and you feel like you will explode out of love. you can eat them or smoke them but eating them is much better. i think it makes me feel like a baby because you relearn things you already knew, and it makes you laugh at just about anything, like if someone makes a funny face be prepared to laugh for about 20 minutes. many people think it makes you seriously hallucinate hardcore like you will see a unicorn playing with a panda bear or something but its really not like that, the most i have ever hallucinated was when i went camping and shroomed i saw peace signs and rainbows and moons and stars (like star shaped) and ying yangs in the sky, and another time the trees were wiggling but nothing major. and when i did see the peace signs in the sky i didnt believe they were actually there, i knew it was just the shrooms. shrooms is a great "drug" but it needs to be respected and treated as a learning experience. You also need to go into it with a positive mental attitude or you will have a bad trip, i have never experienced a bad trip so i cannot explain to you what its like but i hear its not fun at all. oh and i think its more fun to shroom at night.

one of my favorite shroom stories:

me and some friends each took an eighth of dried mushrooms and on once they started to kick in we walked to a park and on the way i felt like the dinosaurs from the land before time and felt like we were on our adventure to the great valley (the park). once we got there we just played on the jungle gym, the swings and slide were super fun, but the best thing was this little individual merry-go-round where you sit on it and your friends spin you on it, anyways that thing was so much fun!!! we were playing on that for over an hour, just spinning and looking up at the stars!! then when we left the park to go back to our friends house for some odd reason we decided to run and it felt and looked like we were running as fast as the flash, anyways we ran right past the turn we were supposed to make so then we got lost in this really nice neighborhood for about 2 hours, and we just kept saying stuff like "why do people need so much stuff?! this is just ridiculous!! they have huge ass mansions while other people dont even have homes! why cant they help other people out???" so then we got started on saying "fuck that house!!!" or "fuck that car!!!" anyways we were just running up and down the streets laughing our brains out and eventually we found our way back to the house and once we got in the house i said "YOU GUYS!!! DO YOU REALIZE THAT IF THERE WASNT A HOUSE AROUND US WE WOULD STILL BE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET?!?!?" ahhahaha and then we noticed my brother was missing so we everyone was like "where's leo?" and i say "i bet he is still out on the corner staring at that one house!!" so i go look and sure enough there he is just standing on the corner staring very intensely at this house. then he comes inside and we all have this laughing fit and i say "i bet if one of us threw up or something we would just laugh even harder!!!!" 20 minutes later one of my friends runs to the bathroom and starts puking and sure enough we just started laughing even more hysterically. after that we all just kinda layed down and turned the lights down low and stared at the walls till we drifted off to sleep. the entire trip was like 5-6 hours. and its not called a trip because you trip balls but its called a trip because doing shrooms feels like a journey.

by luna baloona May 6, 2009

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