Source Code


Shit (literally) that you use to grow plants. Sometimes, it can really help your garden grow.

~Guy walks into garden with fertilizer in it~

"Man, it smells like shit!"

by lunar shadows August 11, 2004

14πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

palm tree

A tree that is usually seen in a tropical area or warmer state

i see a lot of palm trees in california

by lunar shadows December 31, 2005

72πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž


A young ninja in suikoden. Her origins is Rokkaku. You will see her in the gate rune war when she delivers news about Teo and his group destroying Rokkaku. Secretly, Kasumi is to shy to confront Hero McDohl with her attraction towards him.

Kasumi is another cool ninja in suikoden.

by lunar shadows August 11, 2004

21πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


A very fun card game. The cards are divided up between the players and each player gets their card deck.

You start out with whoever has the 2 of clubs play that card, then everyone else plays cards. You can play any of the clubs, spades, or diamonds whenever you wish.

The object of the game is not to get points, which each heart is worth 1 point and the queen of spades is worth a whopping 13 points.

In order to play hearts, you must break a heart by playing a heart when you do not have a matching card that was played. For example, if everyone played a club and you don't have any clubs, you could play the heart.

If one player gets all the hearts and the queen, then all the other players get 26 points.

This game is fun, but I hate that fucking queen of spade

by lunar shadows December 29, 2005

60πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


A tasty fast food chain that can be found in the area I live in, which is California.

They have a simple menu, which is really nice. You have a burger, cheeseburger, fries, and drinks.

Their fries actually have potatoe tasting to it, unlike other places.

Their milk shakes taste real good too because they are made with real ice cream.

In-In-Out taste really good

by lunar shadows October 23, 2004

24πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Income Removal System

The IRS folks tried to jack 5 grand off my bank account

by lunar shadows September 19, 2004

3798πŸ‘ 683πŸ‘Ž

clown loach

A really cool fish. They are bottom eaters and they clean your gravel for you by eating the stuff on the bottom. I have had them in the past and thought they were cool.

I like clown loaches and a number of other fish

by lunar shadows October 30, 2004

11πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž