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bat-shit crazy

adj. (slang): A combined state of mental agitation and physical volatility. It's use may provide warning that the individual it describes has lost all self-control and cannot be reasoned with. Can refer to either a chronic or temporary condition.

I wouldn't go in there if I were you, Dolores is bat-shit crazy .

by maximo hudson January 20, 2009

207πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

cupboard surprise

A creative meal using whatever ingredients one has at hand in order to make it till one has more money and/or food stamps.

Mom's buttered tabouli salad mix rice con chocolate chip burrito was a classic of cupboard surprise, combining the necessity of eating with the availability of what we had on hand.

by maximo hudson May 24, 2009

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Slater Slide

A couple of beers. Specifically those used to mellow oneself out after a tough day on the job. After Steven Slater the stressed-out airline attendant who grabbed a couple of beers as he deployed the emergency slide and walked away from his work area, a commercial JetBlue airplane that had landed but not yet reached the terminal.

After a horrible day on the job I stopped off on my way home for a shot of Jack and chased it down with a Slater Slide.

by maximo hudson August 12, 2010


A term denoting a female propagator of spam. It conveys a negative connotation. From spam + zilla (from the Japanese film monster Godzilla).

That girl's a regular spamzilla, the way she copy-pastes and posts every piece of spam she lays eyes on.

by maximo hudson January 26, 2010

emotional affair

A pop psychology term which instills a sense of impropriety when describing Platonic and courtly love (and other forms of intimate non-sexual association). Since the relationships it defines are by definition chaste, its use is misleading and is often used manipulatively.

You call it coffee with a college professor, I call it an emotional affair.

by maximo hudson January 24, 2009

60πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

the sixty-four billion dollar question

The essence of the equation. The pertinent point. That which lies at the heart of the matter, adjusted for inflation.

Where the TARP money went is the sixty-four billion dollar question.

by maximo hudson February 4, 2009

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Presidente Por Supuesto

Barak Obama. Literally, President Of Course. A very loose Spanish translation of President Yes We Can. While nowhere close to being an accurate translation, it does convey a sense of that positive can-do attitude of the 44th president of the United States of America and it's fun to say.

If anyone can get single-payer passed it's Presidente Por Supuesto, the 44th president of the United States.

by maximo hudson July 1, 2009

229πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž