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a person who beliefs are for peace and love. They usually are just relaxed people who do what they wana do.They are not usually accepted as law abiding because of the storeotype of doing a lot of weed, acid and other hallucinajives. Although that storeotype is usually pretty accurate not all hippies do drugs.

jimi hendrix is a good example of hippie.

by megan n. June 15, 2007

13👍 26👎


tabacco rolled in paper usually with a filter on the end. All the non-smokers need to back off. I know it's bad for me I obviously dont care if i did i wouldn't do it.

Non-Smoker: Dramatic cough, cough, "You know ciggarettes are really bad for your health and mine, right?"

Smoker: "yeah, i know" Then blow your smoke right in their face to end the conversaation.

by megan n. June 15, 2007

110👍 56👎