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Springtrap simps

Springtrap simps are the worst kinds of people they are necrophilics and are furrys and also don't care about ethics considering there simping for a murder of children from the hit game franchise fnaf

guy1 so I just found my girlfriend and friend on spring trap r34

guy2 you should probably break up her and ur friend there Springtrap simps along with the other simps

by mercy deserves medic April 19, 2022

5👍 9👎

diablo immortal

A shitty pay to win mobile game made by ActivisionBlizzard it costs you 540,000 (over half a million dollars) to max out one character ONE of a max of six (also those estimates Are low balling it for those to be true you have to be incredibly lucky for that so it could cost you two million just to get one 5 star gem it’s truly the shittest mobile game it’s also just a worse version of Diablo 3 so don’t waste your time and play an actual game

Sebastian- hey dude what you playing?
Rory- not much just Diablo immortal
Sebastian- the P2w garbage by bobby kotick ?
Rory- ye
Sebastian- you know you just play daiblo 3 and have a better time?
Rory-I just want to see the dumbster fire in person

by mercy deserves medic July 4, 2022


A melee with guaranteed random crits from the hit (and more alive and deserving of an update ) fps game tf2

guy 1 : dude I just got killed by there medic

guy 2 : was he using the Ubersaw ?
guy 1: yes yes he was

guy2: did he random crit u ?

by mercy deserves medic April 18, 2022

time traveling ball pit

A thing from the fnaf books where a an old ball pit somehow can go back in time opens up the possibility of springtrap being in a medieval suit of armour and is incredibly stra age and stupid

Guy 1 : hey did you hear the new fnaf game takes place in Medivail times how is that possible

Guy 2 : time traveling ball pit that’s how

by mercy deserves medic April 25, 2022