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mud slide

Immense pleasure during the act of sex resulting in an accidental bowel movement covering the partners genitals. Resembling a mud slide.

"Dude, that chick totally had a mud slide all over me!"

by michael smego January 18, 2008

54👍 30👎

power drill

A man having sex with a person and inserting D batteries into anus. Thus giving body the power to drill, or power drill.

John: I lose stamina when I fuck hardcore!
Mike: Well just power drill!

by michael smego January 18, 2008

21👍 9👎

hall monitor

Having sex in or around school grounds.

John:I totally fucked this chick in the science lab!
Joey:Oh so you were a hall monitor.

by michael smego January 18, 2008

25👍 89👎

busted tailight

Having sex with a woman with one leg.

John: So I was doing this chick and I kicked out her prosthetic!
Mike: Oh a busted tailight?

by michael smego January 18, 2008

17👍 4👎