Source Code

cradle robber

A person who taps people significantly younger than he/she is. If X is the older person's age then they are a cradle robber if they date a person who is less than half of their age plus 7 years. But for this function to work, X must be greater than or equal to 18. (Y = .5X + 7 X:18,infinity))

Teddy: Is Albert with Evelyn?

Mike: Mos Def

Teddy: What a cradle robber.

Mike: Word

by mike xie February 9, 2007

916👍 224👎

black rage

An exclamation one screams when one feels the desire to release one's rage onto a black person. When screaming, one must give a peace sign and look very constipated.

"BLACK RAGE!", Mike screamed as he tackled Grant

by mike xie August 18, 2006

120👍 44👎


A "McNigga" is a black man that has lost all of his street cred and negro like qualities (i.e. pronouncing it "mouth" instead of "mouff" and using "I don't know anything" instead of "Nigga I ain't know nothin"). This "unblackness", if you will, happens most frequently when black people find a steady, well paying, job and gets over their crack addiction (easing him/herself onto cocaine instead). Luckily, this doesn't happen very much.

"McNigga" can also be used as an exclamation/gibberish when one is excited or can't think of something better to say.

Ross(Ben): that nigga is watchin' seinfeld

Al taymalikshawn(Mike): McNigga!


Ross(Ben): you goin' to the physics review session?

Al taymalikshawn: McNigga!

Ross(Ben): I'm gon stab youse in the dick nigga!

by mike xie September 25, 2007

86👍 26👎


A paper assigned in Modern World Fiction class that is about 8-9 pages in length that requires students to write about a bunch of crap that women discuss in their free time. We're supposed to fill 8-9 pages with our thoughts about our experiences and whatnot but its really quite pointless and cuts into one's masturbation and quadmate torturing time. Most people get stuck at the 1.5 pages mark and cannot continue to write due to their sudden development of chlamydia.

Mike: this capstone paper sucks
Teddy: word

by mike xie December 9, 2006

136👍 51👎


when a really gullible person tricks another gullible person of lesser gullibility.

Mahesh lives in my wing.

by mike xie February 23, 2005

169👍 174👎