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"Er" is used by all southside Dublin youths, who have stolen its regular use from St.Michael's College students who coined it in around 1983. Brought forward through the generations by the ever present Dr. David Wilson. It is an insult enhancer, to give it a bit more pop. It can also be used as an insult in itself. The most common definition for it is "gay" as the teacher who used it was a batty boy and said "Hell-er/Goodbye-er"...you had to be there really

"Er you fat loser"
"Er John Fucking Reid"

by mikey andreasson January 30, 2008

432👍 169👎


Some people who are complete beasts, but are so immature they seem like babies

"Hey everyone Baba scored a try"

by mikey andreasson January 30, 2008

13👍 44👎