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jittle ned

1.(n) a dancing yellow disc-person
2.(n) a real person who looks like a cartoon
3.(expression) a yell of disbelief, happiness, anger, sadness, and just about everything else
4.(n) little nerd (obsolete)

1. Look at those jittle neds dancing in the forest all happily!
2. Haha, he's such a jittle ned.
3. Pshhh jittle ned *singsong voice* jittle neeeeeeeed!!!
4. Wow, you jittle ned. Silly jittle ned.

by mikey veee May 18, 2008

2👍 4👎

jittle ned

1.(n) a dancing yellow disc-person
2.(n) a real person who looks like a cartoon
3.(expression) a yell of disbelief, happiness, anger, sadness, and just about everything else
4.(n) little nerd (obsolete)

1. Look at those jittle neds dancing in the forest all happily!
2. Haha, he's such a jittle ned.
3. Pshhh jittle ned *singsong voice* jittle neeeeeeeed!!!
4. Wow, you jittle ned. Silly jittle ned.

by mikey veee May 18, 2008

2👍 4👎

populist media

News and TV in which regular people are shown instead of actors and/or unusually good-looking people, such as when you see fatasses at the gas station on the nightly news.

"That woman has one fat ass."
"Well it is the populist media."

by mikey veee July 24, 2008

5👍 7👎


1.(n) a disgusting, grimy, fish-smelling seat in an 8-boat in crew
2.(hell) hell
3.(n) a form of punishment usually given unfairly to rowers with excellent erg times
4.(adj) shitty

1. Ugh, I rowed 3-seat today...
2. Hell
3. No! Don't send me to 3-seat, please! Give me a chance! Look at my erg times! Noooo!
4. Eww, that movie was so 3-seat.
He is the 3-seatiest music teacher EVER!

by mikey veee May 17, 2008

5👍 2👎