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Wasp nest

The large pile of shit left at the bottom of the toilet bowl the day after you were out drinking all night.

"Yo! Dion, you gotta check out the wasp nest I left in the shitter, bro!"

by mister delicious February 15, 2007

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to reverse a vasectomy.

Christian really wanted another kid, so he decided to flip-the-snip

by mister delicious February 15, 2007

Juke Master

That one dude amongst a group of friends/coworkers that is always getting into some type of shady shit.

That freakin Juke Master Dion is at it again; he's unbelieveable!

by mister delicious May 26, 2007

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Used to describe a payrate for a person who is working overtime on a holiday. Typically, when an individual is on the JUMBOTRON, they are making triple time.

Chris is rollin in the dough lately, he hit up 8 solid hours on the JUMBOTRON.

by mister delicious January 30, 2007

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Word used before, after, or during a sentence that makes it cooler

Group of hot chicks: Ben, where are you going?
Ben: I got some shit to do ladies, later 'yo.

Sweet, 'yo!

'Yo, I gotta take a shit, yo'

by mister delicious May 25, 2007

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pimp button

Button on your cell phone that ignores an incoming call.

My girlfriend kept calling me when I was out with my side action, but I used the pimp button every time.

by mister delicious June 24, 2007

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The little black book containing phone numbers of chicks you are currently banging.

Chris is fucked, his wife found his slaybook.

by mister delicious December 6, 2007

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