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littel whale

a littel man that drinks and trows up when he chugs wastes beer and kind of gay

hey whale

by moe November 24, 2003


it means someone you know who is with someone you don't know

your freind and some guy you have never seen

by moe June 21, 2004

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Grand National

One of the best cars ever made by buick. Pretty much it was a 85 Regal painted black, suped up, and had a turbo charger and intercooler shoved up its ass, all to make it averaging a 13 second car. Also see badass

Moes Grand National Kicks Ass!

by moe July 10, 2002

91πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


a big fat guy (wears tons of wife beaters), that lives in a seasonal trailer park with waterfront property and has a girlfriend that beats him regularly

That guy JD is a kookamunda

by moe September 12, 2004

cheesel dick

1. Someone with an abnormaly small penis.

2. When someone has way too much cheese on the taco or penis.

3. when someone puts cheesel's on there penis...

HA that guy has a cheesel dick!!

you have a slite case of the cheesel dick i see....

by moe February 27, 2005

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


funny, hilarious

It sure was elharryass when we fell down the stairs.

by moe February 9, 2004


To say a car is decked is to point out the fact that the car is extremely low off the ground.

Man that car was decked.

by moe June 28, 2004

18πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž