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toys in japan

A weird YouTube channel that should not exist. For starters the channel has nothing to do with toys. But they also make really bad videos about nusery rhymes. I'll name a few "five little hitlers jumping on the bed, daddy finger hulk, and five little minions jumping on a bed". The animation makes a the drawings you made in pre-k look like something made by Pablo Picasso. It's so atrocious its as I you took a idiot, then told him to animate while he's high, this is what you would have. Plus there's this weird guy singing it,and it sounds like he's playing with his ding dong, while raping a puppy, and snorting crack. Honestly this channel does not deserve this definition. It's so terrible if you showed it to 5year old they'd throw themselves off the emire state building.

Search up toys in Japan , and you'll see what I mean.........

by mr mr jellyman January 19, 2018

into the bush

An expression for into the wilderness

Joe:have you seen my dog?

Kevin:he went into the bush

by mr mr jellyman January 14, 2018

instant gratification monkey

An imaginary term used to describe how a procrastinator avoid doing important tasks.

Often it is though of as whenever the rational decision maker wants to make a good choice like doing homework the monkey takes the wheel and makes the person procrastinate

Joe:hey don't you have a really important project due?
Henry:yea well my instant gratification monkey wants me to look through India through google earth!
Joe:well don't blame me I you end up flipping burgers for a living!

by mr mr jellyman January 4, 2018

can you just stop

A way used to tell someone who is doing something that is annoying or to tell to just stop whatever they are doing. Often saying can you just stop alone will not be enough to get your message through. For example if the person you want to stop is a annoying person or just highly persistent often it will take multiple can you just stop. In more extreme cases cursing may be needed to get the message through.

Guy:how was your day?
Annoying guy:oh yea I went this cool trip bla bla bla
(10hours later)

by mr mr jellyman October 30, 2017

14👍 5👎


The a is a 4
The e is a 3

He's bl4z3ing!

by mr mr jellyman January 3, 2018


I'm sorry please forgive me

Joe:bro you broke my mothers vase!!
Joe:oh its ok come in for a hug!

by mr mr jellyman January 10, 2018

snack hoarder

The person who always eats all the snacks, and during birthday parties of special events always tries to get two prices of cake.

Hey lets go watch that movie you've been talking about!

Ok sure just don't invite that snack hoarder

Snack hoarder:can I come?


by mr mr jellyman January 14, 2018