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The state of an object in which it is in pieces and no longer in its whole form. Most of the times when an object is broken, it cannot function properly anymore (example: a vase that has been dropped on the floor and is now shattered).

A common belief exists around the world that broken things need to be fixed. Sometimes, they can't (or won't) comprehend that some broken things cannot, or should not be fixed.

Some broken objects are only bothered to be fixed, because the fixer believes that some good will come out of it being functionable again.

Not just physical things can break. Non-tangent things like a person's resolve can end up broken after a traumatic event (i.e. my heart).

Is it possible to die of a broken heart? I've always wondered.

by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 9, 2017

25πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


the patrol guy

"Thornclaw... oh yeah, the patrol guy. Hello, Thornclaw, do you want me to go on the dawn patrol or the evening patrol?"

by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 7, 2017

23πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


something of mine that I lost long time ago

Like many other things, souls have been used as Undertale references and now become corrupt due to the toxic fandom

by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 7, 2017


Homo sapiens. The only species so far to have slaughtered thousands of the same kind (ex. Hiroshima). Probably a major disappointment to God Himself, since they are His creation. Strangely enough, they seem to consider themselves in a category above animal, even though that's what they are.

Humans are mammals, so yes, they're considered animals as well.

by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 7, 2017

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


History is the told stories of the world, usually revolving around how one society battled/invaded/took over/had conflict with another (i.e. Americans Americanizing everything), or the internal struggles in said society.

Most noticeable (and somewhat traumatic) events of history involve lots of death, despite the fact that people die every day - just in less dramatic ways.

An example of this is the Pearl Harbor Bombing of World War II.

History is always written by the people who win.

by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 10, 2017


The color of my heart. Also technically the absence of all color, so it's not a color at all. Therefore, it cannot be used as slang for African-American. Therefore, it's not racist at all.

Black is generally considered the color of an emo's soul.

by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 7, 2017

385πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


To be calm in the act of doing something, whether it be lying, drawing, writing, checking the time, eating soup, performing a seance, dying of cancer, or murdering all your rivals in Yandere Simulator.

Ayano calmly stabbed Osana's neck with the ritual knife, and began dragging her corpse to the incinerator to burn the evidence.

by oh dear, I'm nothing to you. November 10, 2017

29πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž