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uncontrollable waist down gyrations toward the building support structure

Rich is so sore from I.E.D.'ing

by oj aqua center March 17, 2009

6👍 14👎

Good Show

An outdated proclamation of satisfaction usually made in a semi-British accent by a CPA (Certified Peeler of Assorted fruits).

Always accompanied by locking the arm to a 90 degree angle and swiping in a downward motion, possibly to disguise the soiling of the front of the pants.

Can be either preceded/followed by an expression of "damn shit".

Mr. Rick: How's everything coming along?
Ms. Dying: I almost finsihed Massachuts.
Mr. Rick: Damn shit..Good show!!

by oj aqua center March 27, 2009

7👍 25👎