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Run the Gauntlet

Variant spelling of "run the gantlet." Spelled either way, it's pronounced gauntlet. A gantlet is a double line of people with clubs, whips, tomahawks, fraternity paddles, or other weapons; the poor bastard being punished runs between the lines and everyone hits him as he goes by. Depending on weapons and circumstances, this has been used as an initiation, a test of courage, a way to decide which prisoner to let go (to take the message back that you are holding hostages), or a way to execute someone without making any one person responsible. Often used to describe what the in-crowd does to a noob before accepting him -- "Making him run the gantlet" is a stronger, more violent expression than "making him pay some dues" or "putting him through all the hoops."

The Indians made old Zeke run the gauntlet and when he made it through with just some cuts and a lump on his head, they let him go.

My first year on the job they made me run the gantlet, but after that I was in.

At Kappa Kappa Kappa they make us pledges run the gauntlet for three months, and then on initiation night they make us run a real gantlet; I got through with my ass only getting about five hits, but my roommate fell down and they flayed his pathetic ass.

by old lang guy December 29, 2007

59πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


When used ironically, used by young artists (teens-30) to refer to work that will convince 30-40 year old money people that it will appeal to young people; not necessarily what the young artist or his/her young audience wants, but what the money people feel they should want.

"How's the mural on the coffeehouse wall coming?"
"The backer drove in from the suburbs and said it wasn't hip enough, so now I've got to put in a bunch of oldstyle stuff so he'll think it'll appeal to young people."

The band is young, intellectual, and hip=a 40-year-old rock critic can't fit into their jeans, but gets their inside jokes, and would have loved them when he was twenty.

Publisher (who is fifty) to a roomful of 20 year old writers and editors: we've got to remake the mag into something hip that will appeal to 20 somethings. Writer (after he goes): So is hip the new lame? Editor: No, hip is what we'd like if we liked what he'd like us to like.

by old lang guy August 27, 2010

66πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž

tits on a rooster

1: Double useless, something with no point at all. Comes off of "tits on" any male mammal, since males don't nurse the young; chickens of course don't nurse their young at all, so tits would be especially useless on a rooster.

2: derogatory for tiny or very small breasts

He's not even tits on a boar, at best he's tits on a rooster.

So we had it about worked out when Tits on a Rooster finally showed up, and it all had to have his input.

She's got about the same tits God gave a rooster.

by old lang guy October 29, 2006

26πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

run up

A noun in military, engineering, and political speak. Means the period of preparation leading up to roll-out, especially the most frantic no-sleep, no-time, any-expense, just get something no matter what period.

That whole week was the run up to Operation Blue Arrow, so I got about three hours of sleep a night if I was lucky.

Wooo-hoo, unlimited overtime for the run up to the release of MyThing!

We'll need the major nets, papers, and blogs watched twenty-four seven for the run up to the Iowa caucuses.

by old lang guy September 5, 2006

22πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


A pair of shorts so short (esp. in the crotch) that it's physically possible to have intercourse with a woman wearing them without having to pull them down.

See any Girls Gone Wild video for plenty of girls in tugovers!

We were making out and I got two fingers around one side of her tugovers.

by old lang guy August 27, 2010

testin' my gangsta

Checking whether I am a real street thug or just a guy doing the clothes and the talk.

First party out of jail and this little suburban Megan was testin' my gangsta, she only wanted me if I'd really done time.

by old lang guy November 16, 2006

1586πŸ‘ 584πŸ‘Ž


A guy too old to be a geezer; a geezer the other geezers think of as the old one.

That old guy crowd that comes in to drink coffee about ten every morning is usually okay, but they've got a couple real gomers in with them.

by old lang guy October 12, 2006

2πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž