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A vacation where everything seems to be going wrong.

Our luggage was lost, the hotel sucked, it rained the whole time, we all got sick. It was pretty much a lamecation!

by p mammen August 2, 2009

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Fucking fabulous.

Last weekend was pretty fuckfabulous. I haven't had that much fun in years.

by p mammen August 2, 2009

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The act of going around mischievously.

I came home and found my cat mischiefing around my apartment. I bet he sprayed on something or got into something he wasn't supposed to. He just had that guilty mischiefing look on his face.

by p mammen October 3, 2013


Behavior lacking in activity

I spent the day on the couch enjoying my lacktivity.

by p mammen July 26, 2009

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A vacation full of sin and hedonism.

Dude it was crazy. There were hookers, blow and some serious gambling. It was a real sincation!

by p mammen August 2, 2009


A person that you have had multiple lifetimes with here on the earth plain. They are most often a significant other or sexual partner that you are extremely compatible with.

We have spent several lifetimes on earth together. She is my earthmate and our connection is unlike anything I've ever experienced before.

by p mammen April 7, 2011

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white collar trash

Someone that has a good job and/or money but lives like someone from a trailer park.

My friend Steve is white collar trash. He drives his BMW to his management position at the bank everyday. However, he comes home to his house where he has to shit in pizza boxes outside because his water was turned off for not paying his bills.

by p mammen November 22, 2009

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