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Skiing while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.

Dude, I probably shouldn't have spent 2 hours drinking beers during lunch. I was so ski-nebriated that I could barely make it down the mountain without killing myself.

by p mammen January 2, 2012


A toilet.

Honey, can I have the sports section I'm going on the poopmill.

by p mammen July 29, 2009

leisure activist

A career spent not having to work that is usually the result of inheriting money from your parents.

My buddy Bob is a leisure activist. He hasn't ever had a job and he lives off of his annual dividend check from his parent's company. I think he just got back from 6 months in Thailand.

by p mammen November 22, 2009

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Where everything is the same old shit such as it normally is during your day to day life back at home.

I am loving this backpacking trip through S.E. Asia. The culture, the sun, the fun. I don't want to go back home to realityville! :(

by p mammen December 11, 2012

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The fear of being stuck in IKEA and not being able to find your way out.

There's no way that I'm going back to IKEA. I spent an hour in that maze of a store trying to escape. My wife says I have a case of IKEAphobia!

by p mammen October 25, 2009

vagina whisperer

Someone who has very special skills when it comes to stimulating the female vagina.

Girl #1 "That guy last night gave me a whole new meaning to the word orgasm"

Girl #2 "Sounds like he must have been a real vagina whisperer"

by p mammen March 13, 2012

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Procrastinating the act of masturbation.

I've been trying to make a little personal time but due to masturcrastination I haven't gotten myself off in a week!

by p mammen July 29, 2009

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