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adj. Being distracted from any regular routine by a man's dick, either by accident or he might just be showing off.

1. As my hubby descended the stairs with a grande boner which he proudly stuck in my face as I ascended, I was incredibly dickstracted and almost fell down the stairs.

2. My first dickstraction was at a nude beach. I was 12, saw a boner and almost fell in a hole.

by pfc. Snowball December 26, 2008

142πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Crap Snacking

The ack of eating crap in small portions. Usually performed by dogs.

Damn it! my Lie-brador retriever is crap snacking again on the chicken shit in the yard.

by pfc. Snowball July 19, 2008

193πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


Dance performed to club music with a booming backbeat by cocking one leg as high as you can and kicking in and out to the side. Usually done while wearing a puffy wedding dress and Napolean Dynamite "Dang!" socks.

Look at Cassie ooncha-ooncha-ooncha! The socks really make the outfit. "Congratulations!"

by pfc. Snowball July 19, 2008

132πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

sand fleas

Parasites from people that are too poor to get regular crabs.

Man, that chick with the big ol' brown ass titties gave me serious sand fleas

by pfc. Snowball December 11, 2008

141πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

Liebrador Retriever

The kind of dog you get when someone tells you that they have a really cute Lab/Boxer Mix that really needs a good home and it turns out to be part pit bull and part Alien.

"Did you hear about Jack?"
"He's still in the hospital after being mauled by his new Liebrador Retriever his uber-whore ex- girlfriend gave him for his birthday!"

by pfc. Snowball July 19, 2008

237πŸ‘ 103πŸ‘Ž

Raunchy Mudslide

Accidentally shitting on your boyfriend/husbands thigh when trying to retaliate for " THE FART GAME". (Best played when truly inebriated on comped Reno Casino cocktails).

When I woke up in the morning witha raging hangover, eyes puffy from humiliated weeping, I turned to my new husband and said, "Honey, sorry I shit the bed drunk last night". He replied, "You didn't shit the bed...you shit ME! You totally gave me a Raunchy Mudslide!"

by pfc. Snowball July 19, 2008

238πŸ‘ 91πŸ‘Ž

sea niggers

Somalian pirates

Cruising the Golf of Arde, the lookout spotted a fast-moving skiff approaching the ship. "Holy shit! Here come the Sea Niggers!!!," he yelled.

by pfc. Snowball April 14, 2009

186πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž