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a capricorn is the best zodiac sign. (zodiac sign 22nd december-19th january)

male capricorns:
the most responsible man you will ever meet. he always shows up when he says he will, he is described as ‘dependability.’ while he’s not going to focus on romance all the time, he makes sure he does everything to make his loved ones protected and happy. however; a typical male capricorn has a very good sense of humour, he’s known to cheer up anyone just by his presence

female capricorns:
the most intelligent female you will ever meet, a female capricorn is described as the ‘intelligent alpha female who keeps everyone safe.’ she will do all the chores around the house without any doubt, everything is kept clean and tidy to satisfy her loved ones. female capricorns like to be formal - however, they also have a vivid sense of humour and a beautiful smile which will brighten your day.

most capricorns don’t bother with other zodiac signs apart from themselves, capricorns have very similar interests and lifestyles which leads to them to get along well with other capricorns :)

i bet they were a capricorn
i wish i was friends with a capricorn

by pink unicornz June 20, 2019

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