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Go Fuck Yourself

Hello and welcome to my presentation to why you should go fuck yourself. Spoiler Alert, it's because you are a piece of shit that no one likes. But why are you shit? were you raised this way or, unfortunate circumstances to blame?, No, your just terrible. Still confused? of course you are, here's a pie chart that should straighten things up, here's a quick visual aid and I think this next slide really drives the point home, fuck you go fuck yourself. Now this graph is, really interesting. As you can see it shows the number of people that want you to go fuck yourself over time. Of note, this isn't 99% percent of the population. This isn't even 99.999% of the population. This is the 100% of the population, that's right, even you want you to go fuck yourself so what are you doing here? Go on go do it now, You may be asking, does all this hatred represent a weakness on my own part? Could it be that nobody deserves to hear the words "go fuck yourself" because every single human being on the planet is a worthwhile and a valuable member of society? No!, go fuck yourself. In conclusion, i want you to know that i don't really mean anything I'm saying here. I think you're a good person and ultimately i don't want you to go fuck yourself. Just kidding haha, go fuck yourself. Thank you.

Go Fuck yourself.

by pp man he likes big cock October 14, 2021

3👍 1👎


you fuck a person

Someone is a fucker on the loose

by pp man he likes big cock July 6, 2021