Source Code

midnight marijuana

Midnight marijuana refers to any type of bud that is smoked after midnight or realli late. Specific reasons for smoking this late may be for the night life, help insomia, or just copped late.

Tru G: What's good baby G, hop in the '64 and blaze dis chronic Loc.
BG: Nah loc its a school night.
Tru G: So I got dro. Put you to sleep EARly quick.
BG: Damn you know i cant say no to midnight marijuana.

Defined by The Prince

by prince ingus August 28, 2006

5πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

blow up a spot

To tell someone somthing that was supposed to be a secret.

Greg: Yo i saw ur man at the party yesterdeay..he went upstairs wit Kiesha.
Lawisha: What!

Lawisha: WTF were u doing with Kiesha.
Ingus: I dunno what your talking about.
Lawisha: Dont play Greg already blew you up.
Ingus: For real..be rite baq.

-Ingus is rolling deep-
Ingus: Good looks on blowing mah spot up.
Greg: I dunno what your talking about.
-Ingus and crew beat his ass-

by prince ingus April 6, 2005

159πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž


the ghetto ass Candaian version of Dunkin' Donuts munchkins. Tim Horton can teabag on my nutz EARLY!

Keyshawn-Ayo i when to Canada for free drugs and got me sum ghetto munchkins. Who wants.
Donut man zaps Keyshawn-see what happens to ppl who go to Canada. tsk tsk.

by prince ingus April 12, 2005

31πŸ‘ 112πŸ‘Ž

white owl

cheap-ass flavored cigars used to roll mah weed in. Other such blunts are called pillies. U can also use zig-zags (u prob heard it in beginning of eminems the way i am) to roll but they are not cigars...just rolling paper. White owls are flavored and come in a dildo-shaped tube wit a cap so after rolling u can put it in for safe keeping. (very practical)

mark-I got dat silver haze man
john-word? i just bought a rollie so we good
mark-wat kinda rollie u get
mark-*mark kills john* u stupid asswipe u kno i only roll wit strawberry white owls!

tami-do u realli think they put baccy in these white owls
becca-dunno shits so cheap probably generic wood chips or summin
tami-the fuck u just say
becca-dunno one min was i just talking
tami-hahehehahhaha ur sooo high right now

by prince ingus March 25, 2005

53πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž

White owl

Cheap-ass flavored cigars used to roll mah weed in. Other such blunts are called pillies. U can also use zig-zags/Bamboo paper (U probably heard it in beginning of Eminem's the way i am) to roll but they are not cigars...just rolling paper. White owls are flavored and come in a dildo-shaped tube wit a cap so after rolling u can put it in for safe keeping. (very practical)

mark-I got dat silver haze man
john-word? i just bought a rollie so we good
mark-wat kinda rollie u get
mark-*mark kills john* u stupid asswipe u kno i only roll wit strawberry white owls!

tami-do u realli think they put baccy in these white owls
becca-dunno shits so cheap probably generic wood chips or summin
tami-the fuck u just say
becca-dunno one min was i just talking
tami-hahehehahahha ur sooo high right now

by prince ingus April 12, 2005

30πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž

Michael Vick

aka superman
a quarterback for the falcons who is simply amazing. granted he doesnt have the greatest stats when it comes to passing but makes up for it with his running ability. falcons games are extremly exciting because of vick and skill with running the ball.

Ganstawitit Smith: did u see monday night football? Vick was a G with the ball.
Tom McTruG: I kno. Tell me why tedi bruschi tried to hold him. vick cut his ass up and jetted for a 45 yd TD.
Ganstawitit Smith: i kno i was buggin out...my eyes almost left mah sockets.

by prince ingus April 1, 2005

71πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž

beat in the head

To be ripped off
when on pays too much for summin they have been "beat in the head"

Marcus Balla: Ha, ha! Just copped me the new 13's.
Lamont Hustla: So what..everyone got um.
Marcus: Yea but i paid $80 for it.
Lamont: Dawg u got beat in the head cuz i coulda sold it to u for 20.
Marcus: What?? HOw!
Lamont: Imma hustla homie...Ask about me!

Marcus: U see how the movies try to beat us in the head...$10 for movies and $3 for a drink!
Lamont: Too bad des cocksuckers dont know about the baq entrance or got the connects like we do.
*they brush they shoulders off*

by prince ingus April 6, 2005

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž