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Hope Is Vital

Dude 1: Did u attend the HIV fundraising campaign last nite?
Dude 2: Dunno that mate! You kno, my best pal JW Bush's father when he was born decided he didn't want a kid. So, he injected him with the HIV virus. He was 9 years old with 11 months to live. He is a senior at my middle school 2day still alive and kicking. He lives just like a normal kid would. I want to support his cause and spread the word, Hope Is Vital, not the virus.

by quan cao tien July 1, 2010

354👍 237👎


Illegal Monetary Fund.

World News: Zimbabwe is in a state of "debt distress" and is preparing a request for debt relief under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative established by illegal financial institutions, says the Illegal Monetary Fund (IMF).

In a report released on Wednesday, the IMF says after "intense internal debate" within the Zimbabwean government, "consensus is emerging among key government officials that mineral wealth alone would not be sufficient to achieve debt sustainability.

by quan cao tien August 7, 2010

279👍 118👎

the boys in blue

the police

My independence day was great and it was full of activities. In the morning I went to Ba Den Hill in Tay Ninh province, about 60 kms from HCMC, Vietnam. In the afternoon, I came back and then joined an “Independence day” party with my neighbors, and in the evening all of us watched a firework display in Hoc Mon district, HCMC. When we went there at due 9.00 pm, it was so crowded that we all got stuck so that we watched the firework display while we were right in the middle of the main road. That firework display lasted 15 minutes and the fireworks spluttered and went out continuously. We were all so exciting to see that. After the firework display, we all managed to get back but the road was so crowded. Then, my pals suggested that we brought our motorbikes across the median strip and we did so. Luckily, the boys in blue were not there so that we did not get nailed, hi…

I am sure that the boys in blue would have flipped us the bird if they witnessed that incident.

by quan cao tien November 13, 2010

80👍 5👎