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a state of having a boyfriend that brings negativity to a relationship and causes more pain than happiness.

Girl, you need to leave that loser, he is so he-toxic.

by quirky me July 31, 2010

1👍 5👎

birthday cake sprinkles

The act of a toddler blowing out his/her candles and sprinkling the icing with unwanted saliva from his inexpertise of blowing out candles.

Ooooh, did you see those birthday cake sprinkles? I will be eating the piece on the far back corner... the safety zone... I didn't ask for kid spit with my cake.

by quirky me July 31, 2010

finger licking host

The act of a mother, or other host, serving up cake at a party, and licking her fingers each time she touches icing; therefore, leaving unwanted germs on the next person's piece she serves up.

Gross, did you see that finger licking host putting her nasty licked fingers on my piece of cake?

by quirky me July 31, 2010

3👍 1👎