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Is a remarkable thing which is that should be cherrished,but can be bad if disrespected,

these magizines are very convenial,i should start collecting them and being in them.. (con-vee-nee-all)

by regardless devon victory January 24, 2009

14πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


inforelate means too change what somebody believes in and make it stic which in a way you see appropriate,inforaleting consists of using extensive force,and is sometimes belived to be manipulating

I wasint thinking for you i was just being suggestive because i'm very inforelate,i can understnding inforelateing and commencing..

by regardless devon victory January 24, 2009

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

yours and hers

your and heres is term used when your're talking about body parts of an individual,male indvidual and female individuals.
more certified toward the sexual organs of individuals.

check also sexual anatomy,also diagrahms of the body.
yours and hers...

by regardless devon victory July 11, 2008

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The possibility of adding letters to words that wasn't spelled that way originally.

But instead spelling it with two l's a.l.l.ways
example d.o.u.b.l.e. but spelling it d.o.u.b.b.l.e......

by regardless devon victory June 4, 2010

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Understanding ethical matters threw demostration and edification.The supream source of knowledge and a person who teaches it.A graphical demostraion of charts and morals,intelligently composed..

I have an exempt belief of human genetics that have been Epistemoligized
Epistemoligize can be spelled with begging prefix captilized or not...

by regardless devon victory January 24, 2009

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victory regardless

A possible good belief or situation.
A source of excitement.
A possible way of recognition.

with the exceptance of this victory regardless,we can see that this is heading in the right direction.

by regardless devon victory June 2, 2010

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

victory regardless

1.a way to look over something.
2.any way
3.dosen't matter
4.who care's
5.in the victory of looking over

victory regardless of what you belive in i dont care.
victory regardless of this the problem can be handled

by regardless devon victory April 29, 2010

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