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ADD medicine containing Methylphenidate which is a type of speed. if youre lacking energy and cant think of anything better to do than eat you gotta snort some of this. it will make you get up and do any kind of activity or chore and actually make it an enjoyable experience. for a begginer snorting about 60 mg will do the job. i find it way better than adderall personally it gets me shaky, non fatigued, not hngry and energy and euphoria. you might experince a headache or tummy ache after and you might get grumpy. the good feeling will last like one or two hours after that you just kinda get anxiety and feel the need to be doing something

mom: go clean your room!
daughter: ugh im too tired
mom: i dont care!
daughter: (thought bubble) im going to snort some ritalin..)
1 hour later.......
mom: wow i cant believe you cleaned the whole house
daughter: me either!

by ritalin fiend May 17, 2009

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