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turkey truncheon

Turkey truncheon , the mutton dagger, pork sword, lamb lance, spam javelin, mutton dagger, the male genitalia.

He whipped out his turkey truncheon and she said are you related to bernard matthews?

by rowan B the bad young brother October 14, 2006

11👍 3👎

wog socket

A female who only allows black men to to have sexual activity with her.

'wow look at that hot girl over there'
'dont even bother son, your not black and she's a total wog socket'

by rowan B the bad young brother July 16, 2006

201👍 37👎

cream slice

The female genitalia. Usually one of a gorgeous girl.

Her cream slice was delicious, juicy and tender

by rowan B the bad young brother October 14, 2006

11👍 3👎