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The denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice or for other arbitrary reasons.

A Japanese American who is promoted to a management position may still be a victim of discrimiation if he or she had been passed over for years because of corporate reluctance to place an Asian American in a highly visible position. ISBN: 0130418692

by s. beyet June 9, 2005

135👍 260👎


Beliefs and policies favoring native-born citizens over immigrants.

By the 1850's, nativism became an open political movement pledged to vote only for "native" Americans, to fight Catholicism, and to demand a 21-year naturalization period. (pg, 108,ISBN:0130418692)

by s. beyet June 9, 2005

51👍 11👎

respectable bigotry

The social acceptance of prejudice against White ethnics, when intolerance against non-White minorities is regarded as unacceptable.

Mr. Jones has respectable bigotry against Polish immigrants as demonstrated by his polish jokes bandied about in a whay that anti-Black humor is not.

by s. beyet June 9, 2005

35👍 21👎