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beaner hop

jumping a fence in the style of a mexican crossing the boarder. climbing the fence, hearing the boarder patrol, getting scared, then falling, not climbing down, after hitting the ground, the mexican then raises to its feet, then runs.

juan:damnito jose, climb mas rapido (damnit joe climb much faster)
jose:cayate punto(shut up fag)
officer jim:FREEZE BEANER!
juan:mierda, jumpo! jumpo jose(shit jump! jump joe!)
jose:mierda, yo fallo en mi espalda(shit i fell on my back)

by sam r i April 3, 2005

38👍 23👎


the true meaning of a swastika, is it is just a cross doing a cart-wheel

priest: fuck you jew!(holds up a picture of a swastika)
jew: hey fuck you guy!
priest: hey hey hey,a swastika is just a cross doing a cart-wheel

by sam r i April 3, 2005

44👍 138👎

screaming shits

another word for butt mud, or diarriha, either way, it is sick as hell

dude, i ate at that mexican place a week ago, jesus i still have the screaming shits

by sam r i April 12, 2005

72👍 11👎


created in 2004, it signifies power to all the races. but it has no wieght in promoting racisim.

man that was just full of all sorts of powa.

by sam r i April 2, 2005

20👍 26👎