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Erron, he is the type of guy to drink paint, snorts citric acid, and eats crayons, and pees oil, and washes it down with gasoline, he also hates this one bitch named jenna, and is horny for shrek.
you might be wondering where an Erron comes from. he never had a dad. so, he spawned out of a sink hole. just kidding, he came out of his moms pussy.

his dad left him

guy one "you know that guy Erron."
guy two "ya, the guy who drinks paint, snorts citric acid, and eats crayons, and pees oil, and washes it down with gasoline, he also hates this one bitch named jenna, and is horny for shrek?"
guy one " ya, that guy, I want to be just like him"

by shrek lover boy69 February 24, 2022

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