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Hosama Bin Laden

A new name for Bin Laden, because he supposedly had a shitload of wives. And he fucked all of his wives. Thank god the navy seals shot him in the head.

Look, Hosama bin laden is dead

by smektala ahmed June 11, 2011


when a woman has good boobs.

Wow, that woman has good boobs, so I class that as Nefertitties.

by smektala ahmed June 23, 2011

6πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


a load of nonsense, craziness.

Your zygosity is driving me nuts!!

Whats with all the zygosity?

by smektala ahmed April 5, 2011


A very very stupid person.

A nicer way of saying asshole or douchebag.

Shut up you big bloomdido!

Quit being such a bloomdido.

What a fucking bloomdido.

by smektala ahmed August 6, 2011

supply and demand

lower demand=cheaper, higher demand=pricier, another bullshit excuse to get ripped off by the market. The US Economy is run by motherfucking retards.

Supply and Demand is why things nowadays cost too damn much.

by smektala ahmed May 31, 2015

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


when you're looking for a job online and it actually turns out to be a scam.

don't get jobfished.

by smektala ahmed October 18, 2016


Nonsense, bullshit, a lie, deception.

that's horsecrap!

what a horsecrap excuse!

by smektala ahmed October 10, 2010