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A dahoodian is likely a fat stinky male ages 11-17 who play dahood all day everyday while eating doritos and a pepsi. They will constantly target you if you look at their so called "girlfriends" They get no action irl and use discord to hide their true identity, i mean who really wants to look at a person built like a crabby patty. Usually they headless and package abuse or silent lock/exploit. They say the words "ez" , "get good" "ur ssa" "bad" "sit" "n word" etc. If you see anyone like this, seek shelter and spray febreze or deodorant, that is their weakness.

person1: Let's play 2 player obby.
person2: Nah, let's duo raid as tiny people in da hood.

person1: ugh, you're such a dahoodian.

by some girl you should marry May 26, 2022

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