Source Code


Much similar to the definition hooptie, but in this case so fucking raggedy the car either can have a cloths wire for a door, broken seatbelts, makes strainge "clunka clunka" noises when its driving suggesting something is loose and dragging from the car, have a dishrag for a gas cap, have a paintjob with spraypaint, have 5+ different colors of paint on it, get less than 5 miles a gallon, or all the above.

"god fucking damn, joshs car is such a clunker"

by some guy March 1, 2003

232πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


An anime based on the life of Alexander the Great, but in a Codpieceified futuristic setting. Chock full of hints of Alexander's ity, wierd geometric shapes that can destroy the world, and Aristotle with a mohawk.

King Darius has a pimpin' theme.

by some guy October 4, 2003

29πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


The surgical removal of money from a bank account, once it has been munged

"I never new icostomy £10 when i got menged"

by some guy March 21, 2003

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

roll your quaters

To Masturbate

FUCK! ive got a huge boner im going to go roll my quaters

Damn Josh, you fucking bater all you ever do is roll your quaters!

by some guy November 20, 2002

3πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

harry potter

A semi-entertaining though higly unoriginal book series about some kid with issues facing off dry and predictable villains. It's fun to look up the names of the characters, though. Harry Potter is a fair introduction to fantasy novels, though. Later, you can climb up to Lord of the Rings, Discworld, or Cthulhu Mythos. Especially Discworld. Phrases like "Harry Potter is teh gehy" and "HARRY POTTER IS THE BESTEST THING EVAR!!!!!" are both nonsensical.

Harry Potter isn't completely horrible. It just has crappy characters and plots. And it's unoriginal. Yeah.

by some guy November 15, 2003

32πŸ‘ 156πŸ‘Ž

Mid air

To Shoot a weapon at an object thats traveling in mid air and get a hit.

acronym: MA

i just Mid Aired SPAMKillerBee!

by some guy November 20, 2002

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Furries... ah. Hmm, well, I'll try not to make this hateful.

Current day furries are a twisted version of what was once an appreciation of animated "furry" characters like Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck (as other definitions of this word before mine reference.) However, the current furry is... scary. Your modern furry will enjoy looking at pornographic art of anthropomorphic characters, and some even believe they are animals in human form - I am not kidding.

Having met the modern day versus an older days furry, I can safely say that modern day furries are an excellent example of corruption. They have corrupted what was once an innocent appreciation of characters into the sickening thing it has become.

Modern-day Furries (mostly) abhor Something Awful, a site which isn't afraid to point out and make fun of what furries have become. Thank god Something Awful is around... heh, that's where I first learned about how furries were once not so bad...

"A furry is a sad, sad thing..."

by some guy March 26, 2004

143πŸ‘ 343πŸ‘Ž