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Shaded Citadel

Horror games in a nutshell, there's dark creepy rooms, SPIDERS, and the total lack of anything that's not monstrous.
wait you have spider phobia? too bad, you should just put down your game and never play it again, or let someone else play it for you

Shaded Citadel

by someone else thats not u January 12, 2021


a word no one uses

xerically has no meaning in life

by someone else thats not u January 14, 2022

ROBLOX scammers

stupid horny ass people who ABUSE the fan base of billions of kids by telling kids that they will get (insert item of popular game) if they type in their pass word, normal people would leave instantly, how ever as i said, the fan base is made of kids, they don't know any better, so they type it in, and get hacked, what do they do with it? scaming more kids, WHY? JUST FOR THE SAKE OF SCAMING?????? WOW JUST WOW

ROBLOX scammers should go to hell.... even worse than that, stupid no life retards

by someone else thats not u March 12, 2021

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


an ray of hope for 2021.
we are all glad that he won the 2020 election, but after that we sadly forgot, because unlike trump, social media dident talk about him that much, oh yea and also, trump was so mad that he lost (because he wanted to doom the entire usa)


by someone else thats not u February 5, 2021

7πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

lemonade cat farming

people who will spawn all of their lemonade cats (from tower heroes) and nothing else, will upgrade the tower until all of them are maxed, then they will place other towers, this takes around turn 15 for them to finish, so if you have half of the team like this, just hold out until then, its usually worth it

bruh: man, our team lost!
um: you were lemonade cat farming, of course we lost!
bruh: well i thought you were going to protect the base!
um: bruh the entire team was lemonade cat farming

by someone else thats not u March 24, 2021

Wiki Vandalism

those jerks who abuse the everyone can edit system and destroy the page leaving no info behind, these are usually done by no life trolls (i mean really, do it in a another game buddy, not destroying info) and absolute high school kids of any kind. they usually make stupid excuses like "THEY COPY EVREYTHING OFF OF THE REAL WIKI!!!!1!" or (this only applies to games) "why cant we just find it by our self's instead of putting no effort into it" or something like that.

broi: hey step bruh what are yo-
broi: Wiki Vandalism, really?
broi proceeds to gun down bruh with a uiz and sends a tactical nope to his head, then proceeds to type an defnition into his computer, this jerk wiki vandalizes, kids dont do that

by someone else thats not u March 23, 2021

class clown

those people who think they are funny but actually just use overused jokes that makes most people laugh,
its actually just obnoxious to people who are trying to get work done due to the fact that teachers will usually just tell a lecture and that makes it impossible to work

class clowns are usually the first to get corvid due to the fact that they will do anything and i mean ANYTHING

by someone else thats not u January 12, 2021

9πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž