Source Code

Let Loose

(v.) to find transcendent contentment through art.

-- "Man, everything sucks. My shitty job, worrying about loosing my shitty job, never having enough money, there’s never anything to do even if I did have enough money. And don’t get me started on the government: Republicans, Democrats, Donald Trump — like there’s a difference. They’re all dicks who think we’re all idiots. And you know what? We are idiots. Who else but an idiot would put up with all this sub-mental, rip-off bullshit? I swear, I can’t take it no more. It’s clocktower time."

-- "Chill, son. You need to get your art on. Slide over to the museum, soak up some Mondrian and Miro. Or school up on an instrument like Louis Badass Armstrong’s choice of expression: the trumpet. Get a girl; waltz her honey ass to a dance class. Or maybe channel your hang-up’s and screw-up’s into a play, off-Broadway style. Don’t look back in anger, man. Know’m saying? Let loose.”

by sophie abrahams March 9, 2011

1012👍 222👎

City Blues

n. 1. state of mind: dissent in spite of odds

2. code of conduct/ethics

v. 3. resist social decline

4. to fight back

-- Dude, what is with these anti-public sector cuts protestors? Don't they know they're just pissing in the wind?

-- They can't help themselves, man. They give a shit when they don't have to. They're riddled with City Blues.

-- Poor bastards.

-- Yeah. It rough going.

-- God help them.

-- God help us all.

by sophie abrahams March 26, 2011

443👍 62👎


1. To loose oneself in aesthetic beauty
2. Experience consolation in fine and visual arts
3. Find transcendental contentment in art

-- “Man, everything sucks. My job, my girl, my city. And who’s gonna save the day? The Democrats? The Republicans? Donald Trump? They're all a shower of dicks who think we’re all idiots. And you know what? We are idiots. Who else but an idiot would put up with all this sub-mental, rip-off bullshine? I swear, I can’t take it no more. It’s Glock-22 time.”

-- “Chill, son. You need to let that shit loose by sliding over to the museum and soak up some Mondrian and Miro. Or school up on an instrument like the trumpet. Get your girl; waltz her honey ass to a dance class. And when all else fails, channel your hang-up’s and screw-up’s into a play, off-Broadway style. Don’t look back in anger, man. Know’m saying? Get your art-on.”

by sophie abrahams March 23, 2011

504👍 80👎

Danger Junkie

Someone who feels an intense desire for thrills and spills to offset unpleasant memories, usually from childhood.

-- “Man, bust Damien. Skydiving all the time, bungee hopping off tall buildings and shit. I remember back in the day when he was just a tackle dummy, always getting picked last in gym, always getting cut from the track team.”

-- “Yeah and look at the results. A danger junkie for real. Poor fool be trying to outrun the shit torturing his mind.

by sophie abrahams May 7, 2011

407👍 106👎