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a very canadian sport where big men slap a piece of rubber that slightly resembles an oreo with carbon fiber sticks while they have knives strapped to their feet and punch each other in an attempt to win a large hunk of silver.

person 1: wanna watch the hockey game?

person 2: are the wild on?
person 1: yessir

by spicy cucumbers April 4, 2022


a girl that a hockey player finds attractive, often a teammates sister

player 1: dude, check out that rocket

player 2: bro, that’s my sister

player 1: i’d still hit

by spicy cucumbers June 20, 2021

102👍 26👎

watermelon sugar

a word that has been trending on urban dictionary for the past like 2 years

also a harry styles song

person 1: did you see watermelon sugar got over 3 billion streams on spotify?
person 2: no way

person 1: why is watermelon sugar still trending on urban dictionary??
person 2: idk bro

by spicy cucumbers July 9, 2021

45👍 8👎


what hockey players call beards

known as lip lettuce for mustaches

player 1: aye nice lip lettuce bro

player 2: thanks dude, your lettuce is coming in nicely

by spicy cucumbers August 24, 2021

1👍 2👎