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A group of teenagers in high school that for some reason are mysteriously known as the most important kids in the school, usually without the rest of the student bodies knowledge as to how and when this even happened. Was there some kind of secret meeting that everyone held? Was there a note passed around the entire school? No one's sure. The only thing everyone does know is that somehow these kids are the chosen ones, and now we all have to go with it.
While it all is a bit of a mystery, there usually are defining characteristics of all these chosen ones. It depends on the school, but more often than not the ''popular'' kids are either rich, good looking, involved heavily in school and especially in the athletics department, funny, snobby, uninterested in the ''non chosen ones'' (or mean to them), or a combination of any of the above. The popular girls are usually either on the cheerleading or dance team, or possibly excell in athletics such as track or basketball. Popular guys are most often jocks on the football and basketball teams. The average popular kid can be smart or dumb, a partier or not. In actuality the majority of them do party, but for some reason the girls are usually less open about it. This usually has to do with keeping their status squeaky clean. This isn't usually the case for the guys, as many of the popular guys boast about drinking 5 beers and playing 2 rounds of beer pong in some kids basement and having the craziest weekend ever. However, this isn't always the case as sometimes there is another, more hard core group of partiers at the high school that is also popular as well and known for getting fucked up often. The popular kids often don't work as their mommy and daddy often throw handfuls of cash at them so they can be seen looking fly at friday night's game. They often drive expensive cars their parents bought them, and fly through the neighborhoods blasting rap even though they live in suburbia.

Look, there goes Kevin in his nice car blasting his music. He's probably going to the game and then going to a party, where he'll have four beers and dance with all the popular girls, who are the only type of girl he dates.

by stan michal November 4, 2007

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