Source Code


To be "blog spammed".

A relatively new practice in the blogosphere where script kiddies and black-hat hackers uses scripts to insert
either meaningless comments or advertisements for products using the open comment fields in a blog.

Aw, dude, I got blammed last night. The jammed my blog with crap.

by stefan January 22, 2004

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skank, slut and ciggarette all in one

what a scret! but id fuck her.....

by stefan April 8, 2004

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its a dick, dutch slang

Steek je leuter in een kleuter!
"Stick your dick in a small child."

by stefan September 15, 2004

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Seasonal Affective Disorder. The condition of being grumpy and/or depressed in the wintry months.

I'm sad.
You have SAD! Here are some drugs.

by stefan November 21, 2003

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fuck you

comeback:Fuck urself its cheaper
2nd comback if somone say combac 1 to u: I prefer the expensive way

by stefan June 7, 2003

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penis wrinkle

when your penis wrinkles from jerking off

he has a penis wrinkle

by stefan May 2, 2004

8πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

coolio joolio

1: Something that is especially cool.

2: A type of Mexican hat which can also be used as a hover craft.

1.Oh My God Dude, thats coolio joolio!

2.Shit! Fetch The coolio joolio before we're all shark food!!!!!!

by stefan May 20, 2004

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