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vander woude

A mother fucker that doesnt care about your opinion short tempered will slap the shit out of you if on the wrong side of them. Vander woude is the type of person to knock you out then marry your mother then raise you. Also can be the nicest person you know. Also the best football player ever created by god himself.

"OMG is that one of the Vander Woudes?" "Holy shit yea it is dont look in his eyes and walk away slowly"

"Bro is that Vander Woude didnt he just knock out jeff? Why are they hugging now."

"Isnt Vander Woude just a knight in shining armour" "yea I wish he would sweep me off my feet and take me right here"

"bro hes my step dad"

by step dad of Chuck Norris June 26, 2020