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Google take the wheel

When a group of people use Google to resolve any debate or argument without checking any other source of information, thereby recognizing Google and it's divine power as the greatest source of information in existence, they let Google take the wheel. Based off of the popular Carrie Underwood song "Jesus take the wheel".

My wife - "We should have turned at that last red light".
Me- "No, we won't turn again until we get to Florida".
My wife- "I'm positive you should have turned at the last red light".
Me- "That's fine . Why don't you get online and enter the address. We will let Google take the wheel and see where we end up turning".
My wife - "You were right, I was wrong. "

by stone definition August 4, 2014

Big ole boy

Big ole boy is a descriptive term of endearment to politely describe a man who lives in the south who is either obese, morbidly obese, or bed ridden with obesity but has made no changes in his lifestyle choice to slow the rate at which he is becoming more obese because his own self image issues have caused him to believe that he is actually a total hardcore bad ass. Although slightly intimidating from an appearance standpoint, big ole boys are only hazardous from a physical standpoint for 7 to 10 seconds do to the lack of cardio fitness, and typically can be distracted by a double cheese burger. Big ole boys can be misleading because , even while powering through their 2nd double order of deep fried sadness, they will describe how bad ass they are and who's ass they were just about to kick, but in reality are going to kick no ass. East TX has one of the highest populations of big ole boys in the world as most big ole boys work for fracking companies and drilling companies either directly or indirectly.

Honey boo boo's mom is a big ole boy.

by stone definition August 20, 2014

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Stripper Lotion

Lotion, usually sold in bulk of 55 gallons or more to be installed in the preparation areas of mid to low class strip clubs. This lotion has a much higher concentration of perfume than standard lotion to mask the natural smell of the unwashed harlot and will also include glitter flakes which are invisible to all except a married woman. This glitter will glue itself to a man's beard because of sadness built into the lotion, making it impossible to remove.

John thought he was going to pull off a night at the strip club with friends but his wife busted him. She thought she noticed the smell of stripper lotion on him when he came home. It became all too obvious that he had come in contact with stripper lotion when she saw the faint pastel green fleck of stripper lotion glitter in his beard.

by stone definition August 6, 2014