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dirty oreo shit sex

when two black men fuck a white girl and the girl shit on the mens dick

i had dirty oreo shit sex

by sussy bals February 7, 2022

14👍 3👎

sussy fortnite binladen balls

sussy fortnite binladen balls are very juicy. the imposter from amongus sucks it alot of times

guy1: i know what sussy fortnite binladen balls means
guy2: you wasted your time googling what that means you idiot your a bigger retard dan stijn

by sussy bals February 7, 2022

2👍 3👎


a fucktard at is peak

stijn is een mege grote debiel

by sussy bals January 24, 2022

2👍 2👎

godver de pest kkr tyfus

dutch swear used when someone is mad

godver de pest kkr tyfus ik heb de bus gemist
godver de pest kkr tyfus i mist the bus

by sussy bals February 22, 2022

china balls

they are very small but they are there you may not see them but they are there trust me they are 0,000001 millimeters small

i had china balls for lunch but it did not fill me or my jaws

by sussy bals February 7, 2022