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thats what your mum said

a phrase to follow any word or sentence whether it makes sense or makes u look like a fuckin tool, said whenever someone speaks to you or anyone within hearing distance.

"hey man u comin to the shops"
"thats what ur mum said"
"mate, ur a fuckin tool"

by thats sum funny shit September 11, 2003

2👍 11👎

freak tooth

one who obtains a freakish toth that juts out and scrapes along the ground gathering all sorts of fecal matter and small african rodents.

"the fuck happened to that guys tooth?"

by thats sum funny shit September 11, 2003

1👍 3👎


a word/noise, produced when a nerd is behaving in an excited manner

so i ordered the newest star wars and warhammer games they are the coolest ever and the shooting and the dying and the gleeeeeiiiven!

by thats sum funny shit September 11, 2003


a word that preceeds everything tim stewart says

"yup shops"
"stop fuckin sayin that!"

by thats sum funny shit September 11, 2003

3👍 74👎