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a pronoun used in place of a persons real name when one doesn't know the name, is too lazy to say the name, or just wants to say charles. Is often used in conjuction with curse words and/or words describing a woman's attributes.

Commonplace at WT Woodson HS in NoVA

SHit! Look at those bitches titties charles.


Naw, fuck that shit charles you know im too lazy.

by the cause February 14, 2007

657👍 590👎

the cause

An exclamation proclaiming one's intent to do something of questionable nature for unkown or ill advised reasons. Often used by a group of friends while playing halo or halo 2. Also used to describe the feeling one has about a certain situation, object, or person.

Guy1 *throws plasma grenade on themselves, running into a group of enemies* FOR THE CAUSE
Guy 2"Dude why'd you do that?"
Guy 1 "Dude i dont know, i was for the causing it"


GUy 1 "Dude that test was totally not for the cause, it ranked of uncausefullness."
Guy 2 "Dude thats on the real tip"

by the cause February 14, 2007

17👍 11👎