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bwomp is most often used to describe a low rumbly earth shakingly vibratious sound.

similar words include:


"wow this song really hits the BWOMP really well!"

by the guy who made wow (finally) May 7, 2022

2👍 2👎


Like fuck, fucking or fucked, but as an adverb

or just fuck as an adverd

my wife tried kissing a guy she didnt even know and he fuckingly accepted

by the guy who made wow (finally) February 16, 2020

4👍 1👎


wow is used as a reaction to something good OR EVEN bad.
wow is usually used to express joy

wow i'm still waiting for something of my own on urban dictionary!


wow these dudes still won't accept my definitions.

(im talking to you urban dictionary moderators.)

by the guy who made wow (finally) January 18, 2020

10👍 2👎


detroit but even more like chicago. very much like living in toronto, except everyone has a gun and wants to suck your cock.

"I lived in detroid back in the day... hoo wee them were the days. always gettin shot, killed, shot again, and sucked off."

by the guy who made wow (finally) May 7, 2022

2👍 1👎